Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Beginning....

Hello friends and fam. Yes, we have just begun. The best resource for you is to go onto the website: episcopalchurch.org and click the link for General Convention. You'll find an On Demand connection so you'll be able to catch live videocasts of some of what's happening here. Make sure to watch Katherine's and Bonnie Anderson's (president of GC) addresses. They surely set the stage. Yesterday was pretty challenging with leaving NH at 3:30 am and dealing with the time change here, but today I feel like a human being again. We had a great deputy orientation and the legislative meetings have begun. The challenge is keeping up with the daily schedules and determining which of the many things going on that we will participate in. The NH deputation is having a caucus each eve to check in and share experiences. Of course I will be following the social justice and peace issues, but have been asked to follow the Church Pension Group hearings. More to come. Keep us in your hearts and prayers as we will you. Blessings. Bonnie


  1. ....glad to hear you got there safely mom....I've got the candles burning for the ground breaking work you are all doing....much love to you.....xoxox

  2. Bonnie,
    Glad to hear that y'all are there safe and sound. Prayers headed your way!

  3. We are all very proud of you and what you are doing. Lovya, Rich
