Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hello friends and fam

The day was glorious with the opening ceremony and Holy Eucharist. President Bonnie Anderson started us off by reminding us: "The Church does not have a mission, God has a Church". We entered the opening Eucharist to the glorious sound of African drumming (yes Jeanne!) and loud shouting. Presiding Bp. Katherine began her sermon with the story of when she consecrated Nedi Rivera as Bishop of Seattle, how Nedi's father embraced her wrapping his coat around her. Her father was an Episcopal Priest who had not gone to Nedi's ordination and never took communion from her. When Katherine asked Nedi what changed his mind, Nedi's response was that his mind did not change; his heart did. She noted how it is now possible to do heart transplants, not brain transplants. She ended with the challenge that we can all hear the heart beating "Mission, Mission, Mission, Mission......" The gospel and much of the liturgy was spoken in Spanish. How very wonderful!

The hearings I have been following have been with the Church Pension Group focusing on Employee Benefits (justice issues), and B012 which is intended to offer "Pastoral Generosity" in blessings of Civil Unions in states where Civil Union is legal. Stay tuned on that one. All of the Bishops of the six states that have legalized Civil Unions spoke and many of the clergy in those states as well as several other Bishops, clergy and lay. The speakers at this hearing were all in favor of the resolution. One of the committee members noted is was an end to "don't ask/don;t tell". Three of the committee members indicated that they are still in conflict over it. It was extremely emotional and draining but full of the Holy Spirit. (she was there, you could feel it)

Bp. Robinson spoke at the first of the Consultation Lunchtime speakers offerings. Of course he was eloquent proclaiming, "The time is now to do God's work toward full inclusion of all of God's children". He noted we have been patient, but that there was a sense of urgency to act on what God is moving us to now.

Archbishop of Canterbury, Bp. Rowan Williams spoke at a panel led by our Presiding Bp. Katherine and President Bonnie addressing World Crisis. He noted our crisis is not just an economic crisis, it is a crisis in truth. He stated, "We have been lying to ourselves". He admonished that we have embraced anti-relational practices. We must seek the truth about our place in creation in taking care of our environment and about our reltion to one another as human beings. He challenged us as a people of faith to name it as a crisis and be commited to truth telling and building trust. The panel included three young people who are fulling engaged in mission and was extremely moving.

What a day! Several of us walked down to the Garden Walkway which is a short walk from the hotel to seek a place to nourish ourselves after this day. There are three levels of shops and restaurants all opening out from this beautiful outside garden walk. It is quite grand and we realised fully that we were not in NH any more. We found a super Japanese Grill recommended by Bp. Doug Theuner and it was perfect! Thanks Doug. Then walked back to the lighted spectacle of tall stately palms lining the highways of Anaheim. And then when in the parking lot were treated to the exquisite fireworks display from Disney. Finally to rest and dream of this days work and worship with thousands of other Episcopalians. I am truely Blessed. Take good care and keep those candles burning Jeanne. Love y'all. Bon/Mom/Nan

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