Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Between time

It's a halcyon moment for me--and for the Convention. This morning the House of Deputies approved a comprehensive Denominational Health Plan--a very good step forward in justice and economy (not a bad pair!). If you are follower of our community deputation blog, you know the accomplishments. We've adopted D025, the statement of this 76th Convention on the truth of where our beloved church stands on the sacramental inclusion of all persons. We've also dealt with trickier issues such as the role of retired bishops in the church's governance. And there's plenty ahead.

The Big Item ahead is the budget of The Episcopal Church over the triennium, the fiscal years of 2010, 2011, and 2012. We on the Joint Standing Committee for Program, Budget, and Finance have been working mightily on this since we arrived in Anaheim over a week ago. Our chair told us this morning we've clocked over 60 hours of committee work--and we never meet during legislative sessions, when bishops and deputies must report to their respective Houses. (If you conclude that we start early and end late, you are on the mark. We adjourned at 11:30 one night.) In the wee hours of yesterday morning, our proposed budget went to the printer.

In two hours, that budget will be distributed to all bishops and deputies, gathered in a rare joint session. It will be adopted, God and the people willing, on Thursday--most likely following lively and extended debate, which is the wont of this legislative body. I've not been at liberty to discuss the budget outside our committee walls, but everyone acknowledges that it will be a tough one, hurtful to some. Yet everyone also recognizes that in hard decisions lie opportunity for creativity and new growth.

For me, one of the best parts of our common life in the House of Deputies are the moments when we are led in intercessory prayer, hearing aloud the names of those persons commended to us for prayer. It is an intensely personal, even intimate, time, and it gives me fresh opportunity to pray for our diocese and for you, with thanksgiving for our church and the people of New Hampshire.


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