Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Mr. Secretary's colorful coat, Legislative Day 6

Our deputation is participating in a knitting challenge, to see how many mittens, hats, and scarves we can produce for children in Claremont.

Here are the results as of Legislative Day 7 (Wednesday), excluding a scarf Betsy just completed:

Susan Langle took this photo of a young lady who is collecting all badges available and being handed out to convention attendees. As you see, there are lots and lots of badges!

A photo povided by Bill from The Episcopal Network on Stewardship awards event earlier in Convention.

Also from Bill, as we were standing before Convention presenting our Coadjutor-elect.

We use these devices for electing people to positions, or if the President of the HoD cannot determine from voice for or show of red and green cards what the will of the house might be. (The sparkly frog came from the Hmong booth in the Exhibit Hall. More on the exhibits in a future post.)

Our bishops at the Joint Session for the budget presentation.

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