Saturday, June 22, 2024

Pre-Convention Day 1

 Representatives of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire began arriving Thursday and Friday, June 20 & 21.

It's hot and steamy here so far and will continue to be. We're staying at the Galt House Hotel, located beside the Ohio River and a reasonably short walk to the Kentucky International Convention Center and the surrounding hotels where activities take place. There's also a skywalk/pedway to the Yum! Center where the Saturday night Revival and Kentucky Night, sponsored by the host diocese. 

In addition to our hotel rooms, we are provided with a larger space to use when the full deputation and our bishop and other NH attendees want to gather for discussions or socializing. Access to its kitchen facilities also help us to make the most of our meal per diems.

Here's Benge after stocking a fridge with seltzer.

Photo by Kate Harmon Siberine

The first scheduled event was a forum with the three candidates for President of the House of Deputies, an election that takes place on Tuesday, 6/25, A full report of the event is available HERE, and seems to reflect impressions of some NH deputies who attended.

Julia Ayala Harris (incumbent PHOD, Zena Link, Rachel Tabor-Hamilton (current VPHPD)
Photo credit: Randall A. Gornowich for Episcopal News Service

A video of the forum is available HERE

The next event soon followed, a forum sponsored by:

The House of Bishops will be electing the next Presiding Bishop on Wednesday, 6/26, at Christ Church Cathedral in Louisville. When the result is known, the House of Deputies votes to confirm the decision.

Bishop Mark Lattime of Alaska, co-chair of the committee welcomed the large crowd gathered in a ballroom at the Downtown Marriot. The other co-chair, Canon Dr. Steven Nishibayashi, gave closing remarks.

Committe Chair & Vice Chair

Thomas Diaz, deputy from the Diocese of Los Angeles and a member of the nominating committee member, served as moderator. After a video statement by each of the five nominees was played, the "fishbowl" method of Q&A was carried out, as each person drew questions on paper color-coded for a variety of topic areas of interest of concern to the wider Church, and aspects of the role of the PB.

Sample question. It was also provided in Spanish

Bishop DeDe Duncan Probe of Central New York

Sean Rowe, Provisional Bishop Central New York

Robert Wright, Bishop of Atlanta

Daniel G.P. Gutiérrez, Bishop of Pennsylvania

J. Scott Barker, Bishop of Nebraska

At the conclusion, there was a standing ovation and extended applause,

A full account of the forum, with quotes from nominees, is available HERE.  The event video is HERE.

Today, Pre-Convention Day 2, consists of committee meetings in the morning, ongoing deputy registration and certification, a hearing on the budget, organization gatherings, a PB/PHPD presentation to the Convention, and an orientation session for bishops and deputies.

Our deputation will hold its first group meeting later in the day, prior to the Revival at the Yum Center. 

Tomorrow, our first legislative day, begins with Eucharist. Gavel down in the HOD at 11:00 a.m.!

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