Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Legislative Day 3

 We've made it to Tuesday...with a significant calendar to get through.

But first...another joint session with our bishops. This time for a presentation by the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop. We heard about the process of nomination from the co-chairs. These are the candidates:

On this occasion, our alternates were admitted to the floor to pose for a group photo with our bishop.

(photo to come later)

Jason and Margaret traveled to Bethlehem (the Diocese of...in Pennsylvania) for a brief chat with Bishop Kevin Nichols, formerly CFO and Canon for Mission Resources in our diocese, also former rector at St. Andrew's, Hopkinton and before that at St. Stephen's, Pittsfield.

We were surprised to be dismissed at 11:00, leaving us with an empty hour before our Province 1 (New England dioceses) lunch at the Hyatt Regency. It was a great gathering, and thanks to Province Coordinator Will Herron and volunteers for arranging a great networking session.

Back in our House, it was time to elect the President of the House of Deputies. There were three candidates, and the incumbent, Julia Ayala Harris of Oklahoma, prevailed.

The re-elected PHOD receives applause before resuming her duties.

During the afternoon debates, Sarah Ambrogi rose to speak to one of her committee's resolutions

We got through our daily calendar, concluding with the re-designation of the Mission of Navajoland as the Missionary Diocese of Navajoland, a development that had been long desired and prayed for. The deputies and alternates from the region were permitted to address the House without time limitations, and were invited to the platform to speak, in English as well as their own language, and they sang to us. It was moving, meaningful, and joyous. 

At the 79th General Convention in Salt Lake City, the HOD had a resident pigeon, fondly remembered and celebrated ever since. It must have alerted its feathered friends in the Louisville area to the welcome the House extends to birds, because we have acquired a pair of sparrows, who spend a lot of time near the vicinity of New Hampshire's deputattion.

Our deputies and alternates dispersed this evening, as heavy rain was falling, to attend seminary or organizational events, grab a meal, or spend relaxing time in the hotel room before our next phase of work.

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