Monday, June 24, 2024

Legislative Day 2

Kelly, Alanna, Jason, and Bobbie are ready to legislate!

But first, there was a joint session, with the bishops present for the presentation of the triennial budget. Bishop Rob sat with our deputation. 

Afterwards there was a photo op with the deputies and alternates who were present and on the floor for the morning.

Alanna, Jason, Bobbi, Sarah, Kate, Bishop Rob, Gail, Margaret, Kelly, Benge

Bobbi had a chance to pose with our Bishop...

... and with Bishop Chang of Taiwan, whose deputation seated beside ours.

Margaret is pleased that after three consecutive times chairing the House of Deputies' Privilege and Courtesy Committee, longtime friend the Rev. Kurt Wiesner was appointed to the role. He served as priest at All Saints in Littleton, NH, before being called to a parish in Salt Lake City.

Benge visited and revisited the podium during debates

Note-taking. The candy was provided by the National Altar Guild.

We didn't make a lot of progress in our afternoon session. Which means will have to work in the evenings later this week, to get farther along in the legislative calendar! Monday was Kentucky Night, featuring a Food Truck Rodeo. But after our evening deputation meeting, most of us went elsewhere for dinner.

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