Thursday, June 27, 2024

Legislative Day 5 (and Legislative Night 2)

The fifth legislative day of General Convention began early, with a forum of the candidates for the Vice President of the House of Deputies. All were clergy, because the VPHOD is required to be of a different order of ministry from the President of the HOD, who is currently a member of the laity. The Rev. Steve Pankey of the Diocese of Kentucky was elected.

This event was followed by multilingual Morning Prayer in the House of Deputies. The bishops had their own service in their House. The homily in the HOD was a tribute to the late Very Rev. George Werner, a beloved and respected President of the HOD dedicated to inclusion, who passed away early last year. A courtesy resolution was presented to honor his long and distinguished service to the Church and the General Convention.

Jason asked a procedural question

We resumed some Rules of Order resolutions in the morning legislative calendar, concurred with the House of Bishops on some items, took no further actions on others, approved with amendment the continuance of a Task Force on Indigenous Liturgies. 

At the midday break, the NH deputation joined the Bishops Against Gun Violence public witness and visibility in a park near the convention center. Nearly all the speakers were young people who have either been affected or are very much aware of the dangers and the heartbreak resulting from the epidemic of gun violence. 

The young people who addressed the crowd about the effects of gun violence

Sarah, Kelly, Alanna, Bobbi

In the afternoon we proceeded through the legislative calendar. A surprise visitor was introduced--The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, immediate past President of the House of Deputies, who was very warmly received and who made brief remarks from the podium.

The day included a courtesy resolution for and the moving remembrance of the Philadelphia Eleven, the first women to be ordained in the Episcopal Church, in this 50th anniversary year of that event. 

Another emotional period resulted from the resolution CO32, an expression of remorse for the suffering caused by the forced placement of indigenous children in boarding and residential schools, and the addition of "A Prayer to Remember the Innocents" in church liturgies and the creation of a day of remembrance. Here is the text of the prayer:


Ohiŋni wičhauŋkiksuyapi kte.  "We will always remember them." 

Dear Lord, Almighty God, we pray for all Indigenous children who were in residential and boarding schools in Canada and the United States.  Some died there; we ask that you give assurance to   their descendants that their souls are with you and their ancestors. Some survived there; we ask that you give your healing grace to all who endured hardship while there and are still struggling with those memories. Lastly, we ask you to help us guard our children against harm in this world. All this we ask in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever.  Amen. 

We were joined by Bishop Rob during our supper break, where we shared experiences and impressions of legislation in our separate houses.

Bishop Rob

Gail, Kate, Alanna, Bobbi

Rita, Jason, Kelly

On our return to the House for our evening session, we continued concurrences on resolutions regarding liturgies, which required votes by orders. No light show or much of an Episco Disco tonight. Probably everyone was too weary to get wild.

Tomorrow is the 6th and final legislative day. We'll have our deputation lunch during the midday break!


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Legislative Day 4 (and Legislative Night 1)

 There were lots of elections today, in the House of Deputies and in the House of Bishops.

In the HOD this morning, we voted members onto various church boards and bodies.

The major one, of course, was the election of the 28th and next Presiding Bishop, who will success PB Michael Curry in November. Chosen on the very first ballot: The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, Bishop of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Bishop Provisional of the Diocese of Western New York. The announcement was made to the HOD as soon as we returned from our lunch break. 

A little while later, Bishop Curry and the Presiding Bishop-elect entered our House to great applause and standing ovation.

Bishop Rowe spoke to us from the podium. More information available HERE

We then proceeded with our Special Order resolutions on Israel-Palestine. We had only an hour-long recess for supper, so Jason facilitated an online order from Chipotle for our group--he and Benge braved the rain to pick it up, and then went back to collect napkins and plastic cutlery. Gratitude!

We returned to the HOD--which was briefly transformed into an Episco Disco, with flashing lights and glow sticks and more.

You can see video HERE

Jason & Margaret (Photo by Jane Van Zandt)

Then it was back to work for a couple of hours, completing a concurrence with the Bishops on Israel-Palestine and a resolution on the Book of Common Prayer, which required a vote by orders. There was complete unanimity in our deputation.

On the way back to the hotel, we saw a lovely rainbow arching over the skyline. 

And there was a magnificent sunset over the river as a barge was going in one direction and a riverboat in the opposite direction.

Louisville Local Color

Legislative Day 4 might extend into the evening's uncertain when the report on activities will be posted. 

At 10:30, the House of Bishops will gather at Christ Church cathedral to elect the next Presiding Bishop.

At 11:00, the House of Deputies will meet to wait for the result and proceed through our daily calendar.

In the meantime, here are some sights in and around downtown Louisville.

Most of the racehorse statues scattered throughout the area don't have riders. This one, located at the entrance of our hotel--the Gallt House--honors winning Kentucky Derby jockeys.

View from inside the Galt House glass elevator. The walkway connects East Tower to West

Exterior of the 21c Museum Hotel

Transportation: plane in the sky, train on the bridge, barge on the river.

Coal barge carrying lots of fossil fuel

Riverboat at dusk

Along the River Walk

Riverside sunset (Photo by Kelly Sundberg-Seaman)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Legislative Day 3

 We've made it to Tuesday...with a significant calendar to get through.

But first...another joint session with our bishops. This time for a presentation by the Joint Nominating Committee for the Election of the Presiding Bishop. We heard about the process of nomination from the co-chairs. These are the candidates:

On this occasion, our alternates were admitted to the floor to pose for a group photo with our bishop.

(photo to come later)

Jason and Margaret traveled to Bethlehem (the Diocese Pennsylvania) for a brief chat with Bishop Kevin Nichols, formerly CFO and Canon for Mission Resources in our diocese, also former rector at St. Andrew's, Hopkinton and before that at St. Stephen's, Pittsfield.

We were surprised to be dismissed at 11:00, leaving us with an empty hour before our Province 1 (New England dioceses) lunch at the Hyatt Regency. It was a great gathering, and thanks to Province Coordinator Will Herron and volunteers for arranging a great networking session.

Back in our House, it was time to elect the President of the House of Deputies. There were three candidates, and the incumbent, Julia Ayala Harris of Oklahoma, prevailed.

The re-elected PHOD receives applause before resuming her duties.

During the afternoon debates, Sarah Ambrogi rose to speak to one of her committee's resolutions

We got through our daily calendar, concluding with the re-designation of the Mission of Navajoland as the Missionary Diocese of Navajoland, a development that had been long desired and prayed for. The deputies and alternates from the region were permitted to address the House without time limitations, and were invited to the platform to speak, in English as well as their own language, and they sang to us. It was moving, meaningful, and joyous. 

At the 79th General Convention in Salt Lake City, the HOD had a resident pigeon, fondly remembered and celebrated ever since. It must have alerted its feathered friends in the Louisville area to the welcome the House extends to birds, because we have acquired a pair of sparrows, who spend a lot of time near the vicinity of New Hampshire's deputattion.

Our deputies and alternates dispersed this evening, as heavy rain was falling, to attend seminary or organizational events, grab a meal, or spend relaxing time in the hotel room before our next phase of work.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Legislative Day 2

Kelly, Alanna, Jason, and Bobbie are ready to legislate!

But first, there was a joint session, with the bishops present for the presentation of the triennial budget. Bishop Rob sat with our deputation. 

Afterwards there was a photo op with the deputies and alternates who were present and on the floor for the morning.

Alanna, Jason, Bobbi, Sarah, Kate, Bishop Rob, Gail, Margaret, Kelly, Benge

Bobbi had a chance to pose with our Bishop...

... and with Bishop Chang of Taiwan, whose deputation seated beside ours.

Margaret is pleased that after three consecutive times chairing the House of Deputies' Privilege and Courtesy Committee, longtime friend the Rev. Kurt Wiesner was appointed to the role. He served as priest at All Saints in Littleton, NH, before being called to a parish in Salt Lake City.

Benge visited and revisited the podium during debates

Note-taking. The candy was provided by the National Altar Guild.

We didn't make a lot of progress in our afternoon session. Which means will have to work in the evenings later this week, to get farther along in the legislative calendar! Monday was Kentucky Night, featuring a Food Truck Rodeo. But after our evening deputation meeting, most of us went elsewhere for dinner.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Legislative Day 1

Sunday began with Eucharist. Afterwards, the House of Deputies and the House of Bishops began their work.

House of Deputies

Jane and Rita, alternate clergy and alternate lay deputies

A practice resolution for a vote by orders. 

The resolution did not pass

Most of the morning actions could be described as housekeeping items. We were informed about what resolutions had been removed from the Consent Calendar. One of our votes was to confirm appointments for a six-year term on the Archives Advisory Committee for The Episcopal Church. This blogger is listed.

After our two-hour lunch break, the HOD re-convened to take up the various resolutions and amendments to our Rules of Order. There was considerable debate.

Benge being recognized to speak to a resolution (or an amendment)
After getting through the Rules of Order, and decided on them, we could turn to voting. The items on Consent were dealt with. Then we move on to others. The final resolutions came from the Auxiliary Calendar, and all were courtesy resolutions--of greeting to past presidents of the HOD, recognition of the Official Youth presence, significant anniversaries of dioceses, and gratitude for the late illustrious and dedicated Rev. Edward Rodman of Massachusetts.

The full New Hampshire deputation and Bishop Rob gathered in our hospitality suite to discuss the day's events and matters than will soon be before us. It was the first time that all of us could be together in one place.

Benge, Sarah, Kate

Alanna, Gail, Bobbi, Bishop Rob, Jason, Jane, Kelly

In the morning there will be a Joint Session--Bishops and Deputies--for the budget presentation. Followed by more legislation!