Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The NH Deputation at the May Clergy Day

Deputation Chair, The Rev. Bill Exner

One important role of a General Convention deputation is to report to the diocese on matters related to GC. So on Thursday, May 21st, several clergy members of the NH Deputation and one lay member attended the Clergy Day held at All Saints, Littleton to give a preview of the upcoming gathering in Salt Lake City.

Directions on how to access the Blue Book were given, and a list of some resolutions was shared, in particular those issuing from the Task Force to Re-Imagine the Episcopal Church (TREC) and the report from the Task Force Study of Marriage. The budget, as presented and discussed at the Province 1 Synod in April, and the proposed gradual drop in the annual assessment to The Episcopal Church sparked comment. As did the proposed inclusion of "care for creation" language in the baptismal covenant. We described the committees to which we are assigned.

NH Deputation Committee Assignments:

Bill Exner: Committee #8, Social Justice and United States Policy
Bonnie Chappell: Committee #14, Stewardship and Development
Jason Wells: Committee #15, Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations
Margaret Porter: Committee #17, Privilege & Courtesy (Chair)

There was also sharing about the four candidates for Presiding Bishop.

Attendees received a handout with a list of resolutions and internet resources, including links to this blog and the items included on our sidebar.

Thanks to Rev. Susan Garrity, Interim at All Saints, for the hospitality, and to those who were present!

The deputation will attend the September Clergy Day to report on what occurred in Salt Lake City.

Deputation members or GC attendees who were present: Bill Exner, Randy Dales, Kevin Nichols, Kate Atkinson, Richard Davenport, Margaret Porter.

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