Sunday, June 28, 2015

A 230th Anniversary Party. A Historic Election. A 75th Anniversary Party.

Busy times in committees and in the House of Deputies and House of Bishops has meant little opportunity for blogging. 

Saturday, June 27th,  was our Third Legislative Day. It was also the day for the Election of a Presiding Bishop. After the Eucharist, the Bishop's were taken to the cathedral to do their voting. While they were away, we waited in the House. After a little bit of legislating, we threw a big party to commemorate the 230th Anniversary of the our House (which pre-dates the House of Bishops), and to acknowledge its past Presidents and Vice Presidents. Several of them were present--Dr. Charles Willie, George Werner, Bonnie Anderson, Vincent Currie--and were awarded special House of Deputies medals. 

Then we celebrated. With party hats, noisemakers, famous Deputies' photo heads on a stick to pose with, M&Ms with "GC78" imprinted, and so on.

Our Deputation during the party
Once we received word that an election had occurred, a number of formal steps followed. Delegations went from House to House with messages. Our House's committee on the Election had to confer with representatives from the House of Bishops before we could vote approval of the election. This process took far longer than we expected. President Jennings of the House of Deputies tried to dismiss us, but we preferred to sit and wait, even though it was well past lunchtime.

At least we were informed that The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, Bishop of North Carolina, had achieved an overwhelming majority of the vote. We voted to affirm this election. Then we waited for him to be escorted into our House.

When he arrived, accompanied by Bishop Katharine and his family members, he received a most enthusiastic welcome! Our first female Presiding Bishop will be succeeded by the first African American Presiding Bishop.

He briefly addressed the House.

Then we went to lunch. When we returned, we continued with resolutions.

Those of us who attended the 75th anniversary celebration for Episcopal Relief and Development had the opportunity to see the PB and the future PB once more.  Both made congratulatory remarks. And posed for photos!

There was food and music and dancing.

What a day of rejoicing and celebration. Not only here in Salt Lake City, but for the entire Episcopal Church!

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