Sunday, June 28, 2015

A 230th Anniversary Party. A Historic Election. A 75th Anniversary Party.

Busy times in committees and in the House of Deputies and House of Bishops has meant little opportunity for blogging. 

Saturday, June 27th,  was our Third Legislative Day. It was also the day for the Election of a Presiding Bishop. After the Eucharist, the Bishop's were taken to the cathedral to do their voting. While they were away, we waited in the House. After a little bit of legislating, we threw a big party to commemorate the 230th Anniversary of the our House (which pre-dates the House of Bishops), and to acknowledge its past Presidents and Vice Presidents. Several of them were present--Dr. Charles Willie, George Werner, Bonnie Anderson, Vincent Currie--and were awarded special House of Deputies medals. 

Then we celebrated. With party hats, noisemakers, famous Deputies' photo heads on a stick to pose with, M&Ms with "GC78" imprinted, and so on.

Our Deputation during the party
Once we received word that an election had occurred, a number of formal steps followed. Delegations went from House to House with messages. Our House's committee on the Election had to confer with representatives from the House of Bishops before we could vote approval of the election. This process took far longer than we expected. President Jennings of the House of Deputies tried to dismiss us, but we preferred to sit and wait, even though it was well past lunchtime.

At least we were informed that The Rt. Rev. Michael Curry, Bishop of North Carolina, had achieved an overwhelming majority of the vote. We voted to affirm this election. Then we waited for him to be escorted into our House.

When he arrived, accompanied by Bishop Katharine and his family members, he received a most enthusiastic welcome! Our first female Presiding Bishop will be succeeded by the first African American Presiding Bishop.

He briefly addressed the House.

Then we went to lunch. When we returned, we continued with resolutions.

Those of us who attended the 75th anniversary celebration for Episcopal Relief and Development had the opportunity to see the PB and the future PB once more.  Both made congratulatory remarks. And posed for photos!

There was food and music and dancing.

What a day of rejoicing and celebration. Not only here in Salt Lake City, but for the entire Episcopal Church!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Election Day at General Convention

by The Rev. Kate Atkinson

When we gather for the Community Eucharist every morning – over 2,000 deputies, bishops, alternates, visitors, volunteers, family members, staff members and musicians – a certain phenomenon never fails to capture my attention.  

Every now and then, a particular group of people will file through the crowd: before the service begins, the children and their carers file in and take their place at the front of the seating area, toddlers holding fast to the hands of the teenage helpers while older children dance to the beat of the drums; during the passing of the Peace Eucharistic ministers, chosen at random as we entered the worship space, earnestly follow instructions to leave their seats and assemble at their assigned distribution point; when the Great Thanksgiving comes to an end, bearers of the elements draw together into perfect formation, mounting the steps on either side of the altar, taking up their baskets of bread or pitchers of wine, then carrying them to the deacons positioned around the edges. 

 Next come the communicants themselves, directed so gracefully by the ushers that the entire distribution seems to take no time at all!

 These glorious, diverse collections of faithful, worshipful children of God seem to be guided by a divine choreography, weaving through the aisles and boundaries of the worship space, celebrating the wonder and beauty of community with every step, every coming together and moving apart.

And today, as the Eucharist came to an end, another group of worshipers rose from their various places throughout the enormous hall, moved to the aisles and filed towards the exit – while the rest of us remained in our seats.  Our bishops, focused on the task ahead of them, on the crucial decision they would make in the coming hours, formed themselves into moving strands of hope, expectancy, and reliance on the God who continues to draw out precious threads of humanity and weaves us into the fabric of the Kingdom.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

First Day in the House of Deputies

This was not a legislative day, but a day for organising and orientation and presentations.

Like the first day of school--finding our seats

Our most Senior Deputy (in experience) and two first-timers

Bright eyed and ready. Even though she arrived here after midnight!

"Let's get this party started!"

The Presiding Bishop's opening address

Bishop IX and Bishop X

They wore the same trousers!

Meet the Virtual Binder. On the iPad.

Midday gathering in our deputation meeting room. Decided who will monitor which committees.

One of these men will be the next Presiding Bishop

Topics for the Bishop Nominee Q&A

A Tour Through the Exhibit Hall

Before some members of our deputation became enmeshed in the chaotic life that General Convention becomes over time, we visited the colourful and inspiring Exhibit Hall, on the same corridor as the House of Deputies. In addition to information booths associated with seminaries, ministries and missions, and enterprises, there are lovely wares on display, created in support of good causes across the church international. (When time permits, links to their websites will be added.)


A place of Prayer

Olive oil and soap bars from Canaan

Woodwork by Bethlehem Christians

Noah's Ark

Fabrics made in Bethlehem

For Bishops and Archbishops


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Liturgical ware

A cloth Nativity from Palestine

Glassware from Palestine

Woven bags from Ghana

Bags and items made by women in Africa

Nativity scene in a gourd

Items woven by women in Guatemala
It is a wonderful and inspiring place to purchase gifts to take home, and souvenirs of General Convention.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Salt Lake City

Salt Palace Convention Center from Marriot City Creek Hotel

Good morning from Salt Lake City! Several members of our deputation came yesterday, to attend early meetings or to settle in. Others arrive today, or even tomorrow, after cancelled or delayed flights.

Some of the activities will include registration, orientation for Committee officers, and initial committee meetings this evening.

The Exhibit Hall is open, so some of us will be checking it out very soon!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

House of Deputies Vice President Byron Rushing on General Convention

In this video, the Vice President of the House of Deputies, Byron Rushing of the Diocese of Massachusetts, gives an overview of his experiences and long service. He was first elected in 1973.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The NH Deputation at the May Clergy Day

Deputation Chair, The Rev. Bill Exner

One important role of a General Convention deputation is to report to the diocese on matters related to GC. So on Thursday, May 21st, several clergy members of the NH Deputation and one lay member attended the Clergy Day held at All Saints, Littleton to give a preview of the upcoming gathering in Salt Lake City.

Directions on how to access the Blue Book were given, and a list of some resolutions was shared, in particular those issuing from the Task Force to Re-Imagine the Episcopal Church (TREC) and the report from the Task Force Study of Marriage. The budget, as presented and discussed at the Province 1 Synod in April, and the proposed gradual drop in the annual assessment to The Episcopal Church sparked comment. As did the proposed inclusion of "care for creation" language in the baptismal covenant. We described the committees to which we are assigned.

NH Deputation Committee Assignments:

Bill Exner: Committee #8, Social Justice and United States Policy
Bonnie Chappell: Committee #14, Stewardship and Development
Jason Wells: Committee #15, Ecumenical and Interreligious Relations
Margaret Porter: Committee #17, Privilege & Courtesy (Chair)

There was also sharing about the four candidates for Presiding Bishop.

Attendees received a handout with a list of resolutions and internet resources, including links to this blog and the items included on our sidebar.

Thanks to Rev. Susan Garrity, Interim at All Saints, for the hospitality, and to those who were present!

The deputation will attend the September Clergy Day to report on what occurred in Salt Lake City.

Deputation members or GC attendees who were present: Bill Exner, Randy Dales, Kevin Nichols, Kate Atkinson, Richard Davenport, Margaret Porter.