Friday, July 6, 2012

Legislative Day 2: Consent & Award

A few photos from a busy and momentous day for our deputation, and the Church. It is frustrating that the pace of General Convention doesn't allow for the sort of reflection that might provide deeper insights on the proceedings here. There is so much going on, and information about occurrences and developments occurs practically in real time...there is hardly time to digest before the next wave of info comes crashing in!

So, here are some highlights and illustrations of what we experienced on Legislative Day 2.

Committees met at 7.30 this morning (yawn!) followed by the daily Eucharist at 9.30. These are bilingual, and today's language was that of the Hmong people. (Yesterday it was in Engliah and Spanish.)

Then it was on to our morning Legislative Session.

The view from the back row, where we sit.

During the midday break, some of us went to The Consultation Booth in the Exhibit Hall to hear our Bishop speak and take questions.

The afternoon was devoted to more committee hearings. I sat in on Structure during the period they were discussing the desired number of days for GC 2015 in Salt Lake City (there was a proposal for only 7 legislative days!)

The afternoon Legislative Session began at 4.30. We heard from youth representatives, who shared their experience of the Episcopal Youth Event, and discussed--so articulately--their faith formation.

A neighboring mascot.

We were excited and expectant, knowing that Rob Hirschfeld, our Coadjutor-elect, was at that time receiving consent to his election from the House of Bishops. And he would then join us so we could process with him to the front of the House of Deputies.

Before he and the other bishops-elect receiving consent arrived, the House of Deputies voted to sell the Church Center Property at 815 Second Avenue. When this happened we were absent from the floor--unable to vote--waiting for Rob to arrive, along with several other expectant deputations.

After a long wait, Rob arrived, wearing a Bishop's purple name badge.

We greeted him with joyful smiles.

We then processed with him to the front of the House. And we were all on the Jumbotron screens.

As soon as the House recessed, we hurried to the JW Marriott and The Episcopal Network for Stewardship (TENS) award reception. Several individuals and dioceses--including ours--received awards for their achievements in stewardship. Our own Canon Charles LaFond, who did so much to lead and inspire us in this effort, received the award on our behalf.

So ends the rundown of the day's happy events. God had blessed us...these photos are only a small sample of the many was in which we felt that during this day.


  1. Sounds like a full, wonderful day. Great work by all, and hope you all had a good night sleep!

    Kurt Wiesner

  2. Congratulations to Charles and our Diocese for the TENS award…& thanks to all of you for representing us and keeping us informed!
