Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Keeping Up

The deputation (minus our alternates), photographed during yesterday's Joint Session to hear the presentation of the Triennial Budget.

Our responsibilities in our committees, our respective houses, and to one another have prevented regular blogging. Sunday seems like a long time ago...it is now Wednesday and we have proceeded through several legislative days. Much amazing work and discernment has been done, and it seems unfair to highlight particular resolutions, because so many are important and necessary.

In coming days, as we reflect and distill events and experiences, deputies can update the blog. In the meantime, lots of photos will be posted to reflect what's happening. Our folks have been sending me their stuff, so as time permits I will play catch-up.

I will merely present yesterday's activities--only because they are freshest in my mind. The House of Deputies passed--unanimously--the much-discussed and closely followed resolution on Structural Reform. It was a big moment and concluding with a hymn sing. This morning, the House of Bishops concurred--unanimously! We are committed to a process that, God willing, will bring good changes to make us an even more missional church.

In the other notable action yesterday, the House of Deputies--after sensitive debate--with the House of Bishops in passing the resolution providing liturgious resources and a rite for the blessing of same-gender unions. We've not had time to really follow what is being said of this beyond the walls of our convention center complex.

Also, a new President of the House of Deputies was elected, The Rev. Gay Jennings. She is known to many of our clergy through her work with CREDO as well as her long involvement in General Convention. To those of us on the previous Bishop Search and Election Committees, she was a highly valued consultant to our process. This is an exciting development.

We are having a good, if busy, time, deepening relationships within our deputation, and as always making new friends across the wide spectrum of our church. We are blessed to participate in this ginormous "Council of the Church," and uplifted by some magnificent liturgies. (The Integrity Eucharist, with our own bishop preaching, was a highlight, as always.)

Check this space for photos and more!


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