Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Next Steps

The flags shown here are for all the nations represented at General Convention. Ours is truly an international church.

Deputies continue to hold their positions until their successors are elected.

Part of our responsibility is to share our experiences and the General Convention outcomes with the diocese that elected us. The NH Deputation will provide a briefing at a September Clergy Day, as well as sharing with our congregations, convocations, and friends around the diocese. There will be an article in the printed diocesan newsletter.

Individual deputies were blogged at their own sites during conventions. Here is one link:

Jason Wells at GC78

And Bishop Rob Hirschfeld also wrote a reflection on what he experienced:

Tending the Vine: Reflections on the 78th General Convention

General Convention is a combination of legislative gathering, family reunion, wide-ranging worship experience, education, inspiration, and so much more. At time it is overwhelming. It also provides precious moments of insight and grace.

The 79th General Convention will take place in Austin, Texas, in the summer of 2018.

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