Sunday, July 8, 2018

Update on Legislative Day Four

It's the 4th Legislative Day here at General Convention, but most of us have been in Austin for almost a full week. In the House of Deputies, most resolutions we've passed have been on our Consent Calendar. We have debated and approved the prayer book revision resolution, which now goes to the House of Bishops. We've begun debate on marriage liturgy but didn't get very far.

Here are some photos to illustrate what the NH Deputation has been doing in recent days:

Gathering the Vine

Each deputation has a sign at its table to identify the diocese--and they get decorated. Ours has a moose and a New Hampshire plaque and a cap with our Tending the Vine logo. But we decided we also needed a real vine. The early birds among us--Bishop, Benge, Sarah, and Gail--pay a visit to Austin's Barton Springs Pool early in the morning (walking, jogging, or biking). On one of their excursions, they gathered a vine and brought it back and installed it.

Bishop Rob and the Vine

Gail takes the Vine to breakfast

The Vine is installed

Tending the Vine--we keep it watered


We attend worship daily. The Convention Eucharist is multilingual with a wide variety of musical styles and hymns.. The Presiding Bishop preached at the Opening Eucharist. The Episcopal Church Women presented UTO contributions at an Ingathering, with Gloria Gallant representing New Hampshire.

Bishops on their way to Eucharist. Ours is window-gazing
Dancing in the aisles

Electronic service bulletin in iPads issued to the Deputies

The Revival & Texas Night

The Diocese of Texas, our host diocese, sponsored Texas Night on Saturday. The first portion consisted of an exuberant Revival style worship, with multicultural music, praise singing, prayer stations, and a rip-roaring sermon by Presiding Bishop Curry. Dinorah Padro, his Spanish-language real-time interpreter, was just as vibrant and eloquent a presence as he was. After the Revival, we went outside to eat an array of items from Food Trucks and listen to music, and were bused back to the Convention Center.

Group selfie while waiting for bus to the Revival

At the Revival: PB & interpreter Dinorah & TX Suffragan Bp. Jeff Fisher

 Bishops United Against Gun Violence

Most of us attended the Sunday morning witness in a park beside the Convention Center sponsored by Bishops United Against Gun Violence. The crowd was large, and local police were present. The main speakers were the parents of Parkland High School shooting victim Carmen Schentrup, and Abigail Zimmerman, who organized a  walk-out at her Waco high school after the tragedy in Florida. Afterwards, there was a Eucharist in the Convention Center. Some Convention attendees worshiped in local parishes. Others boarded buses for the journey to Taylor, Texas and Hutto Detention Center.

Our guardians

The crowd

Carmen Schentrup's family
Bishop Curry giving closing benediction

Hutto Detention Center

Not very long before  Convention began, awareness of our proximity to the US Border and to migrant detention facilities, sparked a plan to be present at one of them. Hutto Detention Center in Taylor, Texas, outside Austin, was the chosen location. Buses transported Convention attendees to the site. Initially the group was stationed far from the building, then moved closer, then was moved back. Our bishop described seeing hands lifted behind the long, narrow windows, proof that those inside were aware of the Episcopalians and others praying for them far beyond the walls. Many of our NH deputies and Bishop Rob were present.

Episcopalians in Taylor, Texas

The Hutto Detention Center
Presiding Bishop Curry
Gail (credit: EPPN via Twitter) 

Legislative Day Four

After everyone returned to the Convention Center, it was back to business. The Legislative Session was delayed by an hour to allow return travel for the Hutto visitors. Some of us visited favorite booths in the Exhibit Hall.

Kate coloring the mural at the  ERD booth
In the House of Deputies, it was Voting Day. We do it electronically. It took a lot of time--we had many board positions and officers to vote for.

Electronic voting device

So many resolutions we have yet to debate and to pass....

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