Sunday, November 17, 2019

Election of General Convention Deputies for 2021

At the 217th annual Convention of the Episcopal Church of New Hampshire, the following were elected to represent our diocese at the 2021 General Convention, to be held in Baltimore, MD:
The Rev. Canon Gail Avery           
The Rev. Jason Wells                     
The Rev. Kelly Sundberg Seaman             
The Rev. Kate Harmon Siberine                

Alternates - Clergy:
The Rev. Colin Chapman               
The Rev. Sue Poulin                      
The Rev. Kate Atkinson                
The Rev. Richard Davenport        

Canon Benge Ambrogi                   
Canon Tina Pickering                      
Sarah Ambrogi                                  
Margaret Porter                               

Alternates - Lay
Marti Hunt                                         
Roberta Beavers                             

 In addition to the deputies elected in each order, first alternates also attend convention.